Tennis Lessons

Book a Free Intro Session

Thinking of tennis as a sport for yourself or your children?

Try a 20-minute tennis lesson for yourself or you children. Ages 4+

No obligation, trial session with one of our qualified coaches.


Our Programs

We can help you improve your game and enjoy the sport for life.

Ages 3+ (Blue Stage)

Children within this group are using red dot balls (which are 25% compressed) and a modified court. It is designed to introduce younger children to the game of tennis in a fun setting.

This group will assist children to achieve

  • Hand-eye coordination
  • A basic understanding of tennis strokes
  • Basic balls skills

Cost: $150 per term (30 minute group lesson)

Ages 5+ (Red Stage)

Children within this group are using red dot balls (which are 25% compressed) and a modified court.

This group will assist children to achieve:

  • Improved technique with various tennis strokes
  • Basic rallying skills
  • Basic serving skills

Cost: $150 per term (30 minute group lesson)

Ages 8+ (Orange Stage)

Children within this group are using orange dot balls (which are 50% compressed) and are being introduced to 3/4 court match playing.

This group will assist children to achieve:

  • Forehand and backhand strokes using top spin
  • Basic rallies with coaches and other students
  • Successful placement of ground strokes
  • A competent level of movement

Cost: $240 per term (60 minute group lesson)

Ages 9+ (Green Stage)

Children within this group are using green dot balls (which are 75% compressed) and are progressing toward full-court matches.

This group will assist children to achieve:

  • Various spins for forehand and backhand strokes
  • Extended rallies with other students
  • An understanding of strengths and weaknesses in their game
  • Competency when serving from the baseline
  • An understanding of tactical game-play

Cost: $240 per term (60 minute group lesson)

Private Lessons

Private lessons are tailored to the individual player, working on specific technique or tactical elements of tennis. 

Suitable for players of any age, and ability these lessons allow the coach to work closely with the player on their individual needs, often resulting in quicker development.

Cost: $400 per term (30 minute lesson)

Cardio Tennis

Cardio Tennis is a fun, sociable group fitness class set on a tennis court and open to people of all ages and abilities.

Supported by music and our qualified instructors, you'll get to hit lots of tennis balls during your class and have a great cardio workout at the same time.

Cost: $12 per session (45 minutes)

Ages 10+ (Yellow Ball)

Children within this group are using normal compression yellow balls on a full-court.

This program will further develop tecnical and tachnical skills of participants and is best suited for players regularly competing in competition tennis.

Cost: $240 per term (60 minute group lesson)

Development Squads

Our Junior Development squads are designed for players who are regularly competing, with the squad focusing on game-based drills.

They incorporate 60 minutes of training and 30 minutes of match play.

Cost: $290 per term (90 minute session)

Adult Lessons

Our adult programs are suitable for anyone, whether you haven't played for a while, or would like to learn/play for the first time.

We can accomodate a group of friends wanting to learn together or individuals who want to join another group of adults.

Cost: $25 per session or $20 per session if booking 8 or more

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Benefits of Playing Tennis

Physical Development

Tennis is a unique sport; it provides both aerobic (endurance) and anaerobic (fast explosive movements) training. The average point in tennis includes bursts of activity and acts to condition our bodies the same way interval training would do. This has a profoundly positive effect on our heart and lungs with studies showing that playing just 3 hours a week reduces the risk of heart disease by over 50%. Furthermore, playing tennis can reduce the rate of decline of our fitness as we get older.

Emotional Benefits

Exercising serves as a welcome distraction from the stresses of everyday life; you can’t think about these when you’re concentrating on beating an opponent on the match court.

Tennis, being a sport with multiple repeat opportunities – created by the unique scoring system – helps in keeping up your hope and optimism. But you don’t have to play a match to enjoy such psychological benefits. With multiple ways to approach the game, such as simply rallying without scoring, doing drills or playing different forms of the game like doubles, you can feel more in control of your tennis session because of the variety of options available.

Development Benefits for Children

Tennis is equally mental as it is physical, therefore promoting both strong psychological and physiological development for children. The primary school and early-secondary school years are a crucial time during which children acquire coordination and complex technical skills. '

Tennis provides countless physical benefits for children of this age over kids who don’t experience or engage with sport. It develops their hand-eye coordination, gross motor control, fine motor control balance and body coordination, all the while building acceleration, speed, leg strength, agility and flexibility. 

A Life Time Sport

Children who play tennis develop skills and strategies that will also serve them well in life off the court. When competing children are often calling their own lines, they learn to accept responsibility for their actions, decisions and mistakes, and can begin to manage these more effectively. Both in practice and competitive environments, tennis fosters work ethic, discipline, and sportsmanship in children, and hones their strategic and problem solving skills.

Unlike most sports, tennis can be played at any age. You don’t see many 60, 70, or even 80-year-olds playing tackle football or running up and down a soccer field. But many retirees still play and enjoy the game of tennis.

It is a game that can be played easily with friends and friends of all ages and all fitness levels!

Social Benefits

For all its individuality, tennis can be a remarkably social game. Contesting a game of doubles, joining a group tennis lesson or Cardio Tennis workout are all ways in which tennis can bring people together.

Playing tennis helps you make new friends, expand your social circles, meet like-minded people, and build networks. If you play tennis primarily as a form of exercise, doing so as part of a team or group means you’re more likely to commit to that exercise and develop a routine, therefore enjoying the maximum benefits it provides.

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